Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The odour of Chrysanthemums

Most of the time people don't see the half full of the glass, just the empty side. In this short story by D.H.Lawrence, Elizabeth realted these beautiful flowers to particular situations of her life, marriage, birth and unhapyness. Therefore, the flowers in the story symbolized what she wanted from life and what she got. Maybe if she realized before that not everything in life is easy or honey, she would appreciate better what she had.

In relation with the rocking-horse winner, there are several elements that are similar in both stories. First, the absent presence of the father; death and money. In the first story, the family suffered because there wasn't enough money in the house to afford their expensive tastes. In the odour of chrysanthemums, the family was poor and didn't have enough sources to cover their needs. But at the end death changed everything, Elizabeth learned that her vision of the world was wrong and she was in time to start changing it, while in the rocking-horse winner they felt sorry for the deateh of the little boy, but it didn't seem that they learned something from that event. Sometimes people never learn or understand the lessons.

1 comment:

Sebastopol said...

Hello Cladia
I also think that the flowers that are metioned in the short story are powerfully important in the main character's lifeand also they might change her perspective of her life.
I fully agree that the abscence of a relative are showed in both Lawrence's stories, which make readers think of the reality of some families, all of them overwhelmed by lonelyness and lack of resources to cover people's needs.
I also think that the death of the relatives in both stories are an attempt to make both women change their way of thinking.

See you!!!