Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The waste land

This Picture for represents what T. S. Elliot wrote in his poem The Waste Land.
For me the main theme of the poem is destruction and desolation. Therefore, this picture shows what human beings are able to do with life. We hardly respect others life; human beings can kill kids, old people, mothers, babies without blinking. After people committed a crime, they feel regret about he/she has done.

This picture also shows how nature punishes us in a way after we destroy something. Every time we try to control nature, it pays us back with natural disasters, fires, volcano explosion and so on.

On the other hand, colors play a very important role in the interpretation of a poem or picture. Here the image has coloring and dark colors to represent the different moments of life; for example when you are happy, sad or you are going through any difficulty in life.
In addition, the faces in this picture are blurry as same as in the poem. I think this is because death and destruction has not a specific face. We related this issues with images and colors because human mind needs to express in some way suffer or happiness.

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