Sunday, September 14, 2008


In Frankenstein it is possible to find different themes that can be applied in every century. This is a transversal novel that covers different contexts. However, the Prometheus aspects presented in this book by Mary Shelley makes the reader wonder if we can have access to the power of God; although, the consequences of the creations can lead into fatalities.

Throughout time human beings have tried to play the role of God by transforming nature. For example, clone experiments. Nevertheless, life conditions have been modified in order to reinvent life from what is known. Scientifics have created, in the lasts years, pills and machines to cover some of the natural human functions; for example sleeping pills. In addition, the power to constantly innovative in every knowledge field does not correspond to everyone, only powerful people and countries have the facilities to create. However, this rivalry with the power of God is guided by the eager of knowledge and power that most of humankind has.

In terms of creation, Victor Frankenstein is the clearest example of the consequences of playing a role that was not made for humans. From the point of view of the novel when a person decided to alter nature the result is not less than a monster. Then the question would be, who is the monster the creator or the creature? Because the creature is its creator’s reflect. Thereafter, the creation and destruction of life is a dangerous game that Victor Frankenstein played. Unfortunately, the chances of winning are not less than zero. The same happens with wars, there is not a winner or a loser because the lost in terms of lives and economical costs, can condemned even to the greatest country.

Even so, did monster Frankenstein born as a monster? He came to life with a blank mind. He was naïve and innocent. Thus, once he was abandon by Victor Frankenstein he was educated by streets. After he lived the rejection of society, he became a person full with hate and anger. Subsequently, he was the only character in the novel that actually had a justification to do the things he did. Indeed, society has not changed a lot since Mary Shelley’s time. Until now society condemned people who are different from it is moral, physical and mentally accepted. In Frankenstein the creation was punished because he looked different. Then, who is the monster?
The fact that the creation decided to take vengeance against his creator can be consider an example of how technology can turned into danger for people if it is misused. That is another point that has an example nowadays. Spaceships were created to take men out into the space. Thus, not all the trips were successful. CHALLENGER tragedy is the example. In consequence, the reason why humankind has not have God’s unlimited power is because we lose control easily once we have access to a little portion of power.

Another aspect of Mary Shelley’s book is the substitution of women from their role as life creators. The fact that Scientifics in the novel and nowadays are looking for new ways of conception, excluding women’s role on it, is also presenting how big is the desire of independence from what was established for nature. At the beginning of times God created man and woman to multiply. Subsequently, to not follow this order will have consequences in how the creature will act and look. Every time external issues affect the natural process of pregnancy, the fetus is the one receiving the impacts.

On the other hand, there are some creations that can take people to other realities and give pleasure. For example art. Artistic works also reflect what its authors were feeling in a certain moment of their life. In that sense, artists are gods because they create from their spirits and imagination. Indeed, not all what has been created by human beings is bad; vaccines are a good example of positive creations.

In conclusion there is an order and reason to everything in this world. Although can be understandable why humans want to be the owners of life control. Ambition is a powerful sin that nobody can control, but to recognize where the limits are makes people greater than trying to reach qualities that were not thought for humans.

Words: 718

- Frankenstein- Analysis of Society
- 'The author is become a creator-God' (Herder). The deification of creativity in relation to 'Frankenstein'.

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