Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Frankenstein & God

From the point of view of the book, human beings play the role of God because they are not afraid of the consequences. Therefore, artists can be considered like gods because they are able to create new worlds from their imagination. In addition, all artistic production is similar, in a way, with the creator. In that sense, that characteristic belongs to God who created us similar to him.

The fact that creations are a mirror of the creator makes us wonder, who is the monster? In consequence, if we take this to God, he also could be a monster. He gave us free will to decide what is good or evil. Therefore, we have destroyed almost everything we have touched with wars, hate and eager of power.

So, from the point of view of the BOOK, could God be also evil? That is a question that at this moment I do not have an answer to.

1 comment:

Claudia Trajtemberg said...

Hi Claudia,
Your question is very difficult to answer. I think there is no right or wrong answer to it. Obviously the author of the article takes the issue to the extremes and the reader is left alone to decide.

I think your example of the artist as a creator is very true. Imagination and free will are two human features that make us be able to create new things. Not only that, we can give birth (women), which takes creation to a higher level.

However, the same as giving birth, to create something, using our will, imagination, etc, implies taking responsibility for the consequences. Does Victor Frankenstein take responsibility for his creation? Or, does he "give birth" to something and then runs away?
Well done!
Claudia T.