Monday, October 27, 2008

Virginia Woolf

Through her essay, Virginia Woolf, for me, tried to wake students mind and made them realized how unfair history has been with women. We are a very important part of the life process; women have raised men from the beginning of time. Therefore, the main reason why men did not want to educate women is because they were afraid of what women could do and how much better we could be in comparison to men.

Women are equal to men in terms of imagination. Both have minds that are receiving information and thinking about facts and life. So, we can also have the ability to write and create literature.

The strong call that Virginia Woolf made in her essay still can be interpreted in our time because there are other types of inequalities against women, for example salaries and working time.
There are still thing to fight for, but now we are so inverse in our own worlds and realities that ideals have almost no place in people’s agendas.

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