Monday, October 27, 2008

Virginia Woolf

Through her essay, Virginia Woolf, for me, tried to wake students mind and made them realized how unfair history has been with women. We are a very important part of the life process; women have raised men from the beginning of time. Therefore, the main reason why men did not want to educate women is because they were afraid of what women could do and how much better we could be in comparison to men.

Women are equal to men in terms of imagination. Both have minds that are receiving information and thinking about facts and life. So, we can also have the ability to write and create literature.

The strong call that Virginia Woolf made in her essay still can be interpreted in our time because there are other types of inequalities against women, for example salaries and working time.
There are still thing to fight for, but now we are so inverse in our own worlds and realities that ideals have almost no place in people’s agendas.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Frankenstein & God (correction)

From the point of view of the book, human beings enjoy playing the role of God because they like to control situations. Therefore, artists can be considered like gods since they are able to create new worlds from their imagination. In addition, all artistic production is comparable, in a way, to the creator. In that sense, they are like God who created us similar to him.

The fact that creations are its creators’ reflect makes me wonder, who is the monster? Moreover, analyzing the relationship between God and we his creation, he also could be a monster. Mainly because He gave us free will to decide what is good or evil. Although, we have destroyed almost everything we have touched with wars, hate and eager of power.

Finally, from the point of view of the BOOK, could God be also evil? That is a question that at this moment I do not have an answer to.

Frankenstein & God (original)

From the point of view of the book, human beings play the role of God because they are not afraid of the consequences. Therefore, artists can be considered like gods because they are able to create new worlds from their imagination. In addition, all artistic production is similar, in a way, with the creator. In that sense, that characteristic belongs to God who created us similar to him.

The fact that creations are a mirror of the creator makes us wonder, who is the monster? In consequence, if we take this to God, he also could be a monster. He gave us free will to decide what is good or evil. Therefore, we have destroyed almost everything we have touched with wars, hate and eager of power.
So, from the point of view of the BOOK, could God be also evil? That is a question that at this moment I do not have an answer to.

Charles Dickens (original)

In the short story and in the movie it is possible to see how fragile can the human strength can be. Everything can make wonder what is real or not. This could happen when the signs are misinterpreted; also because human beings are use to see what is more convenient to see.Dickens always tries to make the reader aware of human and social issues: death is one of them as well as poverty, power and social responsibility.

Through his stories it is possible to picture how lonely we are in this world and how it is possible to see in Oliver Twist and the short story, the only person you can trust is you because the world sooner or later is going to leave alone. Therefore, no matter how advance technology become it will only brings more responsibilities and debts. So, progress does not mean safety.

Charles Dickens' post correction

In the short story and in the movie it is possible to see how fragile human strength can be. Everything can make us wonder what is real or what is false. This could happen when the signs are misinterpreted. However, this should is not weird because human beings are use to see the most convenient part of everything.

On the other hand, Dickens has always tried to make the reader aware of human and social issues: such as death, poverty, power and social responsibility.

Through his stories it is possible to picture how lonely we are in this world; and through Oliver Twist’s story, that the only person you can trust is in you because the world sooner or later is going to leave alone. Therefore, no matter how advanced technology could become, most of the time it brings more responsibilities and debts. Consequently, progress does not mean safety.

Charles Dickens' post correction

In the short story and in the movie it is possible to see how fragile human strength can be. Everything can make us wonder what is real or what is false. This could happen when the signs are misinterpreted. However, this should is not weird because human beings are use to see the most convenient part of everything.

On the other hand, Dickens has always tried to make the reader aware of human and social issues: such as death, poverty, power and social responsibility.

Through his stories it is possible to picture how lonely we are in this world; and through Oliver Twist’s story, that the only person you can trust is in you because the world sooner or later is going to leave alone. Therefore, no matter how advanced technology could become, most of the time it brings more responsibilities and debts. Consequently, progress does not mean safety.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The waste land

This Picture for represents what T. S. Elliot wrote in his poem The Waste Land.
For me the main theme of the poem is destruction and desolation. Therefore, this picture shows what human beings are able to do with life. We hardly respect others life; human beings can kill kids, old people, mothers, babies without blinking. After people committed a crime, they feel regret about he/she has done.

This picture also shows how nature punishes us in a way after we destroy something. Every time we try to control nature, it pays us back with natural disasters, fires, volcano explosion and so on.

On the other hand, colors play a very important role in the interpretation of a poem or picture. Here the image has coloring and dark colors to represent the different moments of life; for example when you are happy, sad or you are going through any difficulty in life.
In addition, the faces in this picture are blurry as same as in the poem. I think this is because death and destruction has not a specific face. We related this issues with images and colors because human mind needs to express in some way suffer or happiness.