Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Room of One's Own

“A room of one’s own” by Virginia Woolf is one of the most complete literary works written so far in terms of feminist writing. It reflects how tragic has been women’s fate since beginning of times. Although nowadays women have more intellectual freedom and working opportunities than fifty years ago, there are still inequalities in the way we are treated by society; we need a room of our own.

The essay’s main topic, women and fiction, is a theme that represents dreams and reality of a gender that has suffered the rejection and humiliation from its companions for centuries. However, with First World War (1914-1918) everything changed; women had to take care of their families and work because men were at war. In that context, a new movement came to live, feminism. Once war ended women were working at industries and at home; they proved to be as good as men in the working field. However, they had to struggle to have the opportunity to study at college and being intellectually educated. Women still fought for their space in the world.

Virginia Woolf in her lecture covered the different aspects of women non-existed history as a way to shocked students minds. The three main elements presented that help her to illuminate the audience are: money, the subjectivity of the truth and gender inequality. Through these topics Virginia Woolf develops an interesting essay that called women to wake up and try to write history from a female’s point of view and not only containing a slanting male point of view.
First, money has been an important issue since its appearance. Moreover, “Intellectual freedom depends upon material things. Poetry depends upon intellectual freedom. And women have always been poor, not for two hundred years merely, but from the beginning of time . . .” [1]Until the First World War the ones who controlled money were men; therefore if a woman wanted to do or buy anything they had to ask her father or husband for money. In consequence, without money was almost impossible to write. Even today there are many writers -male and female- that cannot develop their art because they do not have enough money to do it. Unfortunately, today the problem is how to earn money; because until the early ninth century women had no capital for their own: they had to ask their men for some and explained why they needed such amount of money; if men considered it a waste they just did not give a centavo.

Secondly, as history has been written by men its objectivity is more than questionable, therefore literature is a reasonable source to find more about women because fiction tends to have more truth than facts. However, only a few female authors can be mentioned. So, where is the history of women? Women were not consider capable of writing anything original or even to write. Consequently, society just assumed that women were inferior writers, compared to men, and this is why there is a lack of literary works made by women.

Finally, the fact that women are treated inequality in the society can be a reason why women‘s writing are not consider reliable or important by patriarchal societies. As Virginia Woolf declared women have no space to write or money on their own to create a place where they can be themselves. To make this idea clearer Virginia Woolf created the image of Judith Shakespeare, a twin sister of the great William Shakespeare. Judith was as smart as William, but she was uneducated and a women. She was never able to exploit all her potential as a writer because she had to take care of the household. As she refused to get married with the man her father had chosen for her, she killed herself. Although this is a fictional character, her characteristics were not based on fantasy. This was a reality for many women before our times. Female talent was not considered at all and even today female writers have to prove how good they are to win a space among male writers.

In conclusion, how men have described history has nothing to do with the role that women play in life and their abilities to do more than two things at the same time. The main issue is that if you have been treated as a stupid for so long, at the end you would start believing that you are stupid. Therefore, if women were told since the beginning of times that they could not write, they believed it.

To approach this need of self-awareness, Virginia Woolf used symbols and components to demonstrate women’s need of having a space to them; a room, something that men have had without question. Furthermore, privacy, financial independence and free time are essential components of the innumerable inequalities between these genders. Therefore, until these differences will change, women’s literature achievement will still have troubles to win recognition in this patriarchal world.

[1] Woolf, Virginia, A Room of One’s Own, Chapter six, pdf document
words: 826


- Woolf, Virginia, A Room of One’s Own, pdf document.
- Kronenberger, Louis, Virginia Woolf Discusses Women and Fiction, http://www.nytimes.com/books/00/12/17/specials/woolf-room.html

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Final essay (so far)

A room of one’s own by Virginia Woolf is one of the most complete literary works written so far in terms of feminist writing. It reflects how tragic has been women’s fate since beginning of times. Although nowadays women have more intellectual freedom and working opportunities than fifty years ago; there are still inequalities in the way we are treated by society; we need a room of our own.

The essay’s main topic, women and fiction, is a theme that represents dreams and reality of a gender that has suffered the rejection and humiliation from its companions for centuries. However, with First World War (1914-1918) everything change; women had to take care of families and work because men were at war. In that context a new movement came to live, feminism. Once war ended women were working at industries and at home; they proved to be as good as men in the working field. However, they had to struggle to have the opportunity to study at college and being intellectually educated. Women still fought for their space in the world.

Virginia Woolf in her lecture covered the different aspects of women non-existed history as a way to shocked students minds. The three main elements presented that help to illuminate are: money, the subjectivity of the truth and gender inequality. Through these topics Virginia Woolf develops an interesting essay that called women to wake up and try to write so that history will contain not only a male point of view, but also female’s. Thus, as history has written by men its objectivity is more than questionable, therefore literature is a reasonable source to find more about women. However, only a few female authors can be mentioned. So, where is the history of women?

The fact that women are treated inequality in the society can be a reason why women‘s writing are not consider reliable or important by patriarchal societies. As Virginia Woolf declared women have no space to write or money on their own to create a place where they can be themselves. To make this idea clearer Virginia Woolf created the image Judith Shakespeare, a twin sister of the great William Shakespeare. Judith was as smart as William, but she was uneducated and a women. She was never able to exploit all her potential as a writer because she had to take care of the house. As she refused to get married with the man her father had chosen for her, she killed herself. Although, this is a fictional character was not based on fantasy. This was reality for many women before our times. Female talent was not considered at all and even today female writers have to prove how good they are to win a space among male writers.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Brainstorm final essay

A room of one's own by Virginia Woolf

- A room of one’s own by Virginia Woolf is one of the most complete literary works written. It reflects how women have been and are located in western society. In fact, although nowadays women have more intellectual and worked freedom than fifty years ago, there are still inequalities in the way we are treated by society.

- Women and fiction is a theme that represents dreams and reality of a gender that has suffered the rejection and humiliation from its male companions.

- The essay is compound by three main themes: money, the subjectivity of the truth and gender inequality. Through these topics Virginia Woolf develops an interesting essay that called women to wake up and try to write so that history will contain not only a male point of view, but also female’s.

- As history has written by men its objectivity is more than questionable, therefore literature is a reasonable source to find more about women. However, only a few female authors can be mentioned. So, where is the history of women?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Auden and Spender

Spender and Auden described different aspects of war and destruction in their poems; for example in Auden’s poem September 1. 1939, Auden refers to different aspects of war and the consequences of it like human destruction and the lack of a sense of patriotism in human kind.
On other hand, Spender’s poem Ultima Ratio Regum also refers to destruction, but reflected in the dead of the little boy under the olive tree.

These authors’ writing is so descriptive that without knowing anything about the period of time they lived in, you could guess that they lived through war times.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Virginia Woolf

Through her essay, Virginia Woolf, for me, tried to wake students mind and made them realized how unfair history has been with women. We are a very important part of the life process; women have raised men from the beginning of time. Therefore, the main reason why men did not want to educate women is because they were afraid of what women could do and how much better we could be in comparison to men.

Women are equal to men in terms of imagination. Both have minds that are receiving information and thinking about facts and life. So, we can also have the ability to write and create literature.

The strong call that Virginia Woolf made in her essay still can be interpreted in our time because there are other types of inequalities against women, for example salaries and working time.
There are still thing to fight for, but now we are so inverse in our own worlds and realities that ideals have almost no place in people’s agendas.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Frankenstein & God (correction)

From the point of view of the book, human beings enjoy playing the role of God because they like to control situations. Therefore, artists can be considered like gods since they are able to create new worlds from their imagination. In addition, all artistic production is comparable, in a way, to the creator. In that sense, they are like God who created us similar to him.

The fact that creations are its creators’ reflect makes me wonder, who is the monster? Moreover, analyzing the relationship between God and we his creation, he also could be a monster. Mainly because He gave us free will to decide what is good or evil. Although, we have destroyed almost everything we have touched with wars, hate and eager of power.

Finally, from the point of view of the BOOK, could God be also evil? That is a question that at this moment I do not have an answer to.

Frankenstein & God (original)

From the point of view of the book, human beings play the role of God because they are not afraid of the consequences. Therefore, artists can be considered like gods because they are able to create new worlds from their imagination. In addition, all artistic production is similar, in a way, with the creator. In that sense, that characteristic belongs to God who created us similar to him.

The fact that creations are a mirror of the creator makes us wonder, who is the monster? In consequence, if we take this to God, he also could be a monster. He gave us free will to decide what is good or evil. Therefore, we have destroyed almost everything we have touched with wars, hate and eager of power.
So, from the point of view of the BOOK, could God be also evil? That is a question that at this moment I do not have an answer to.